About Me

I am a PhD student in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Bologna.

My main focus is on Integrated Methodologies for Optimization, Constraint Reasoning, and Machine Learning, but I have been exploring as well other AI domains such as Fairness and Creativity.

In my free time, I also play in an electropop duo. We are called Divinae Miranda and you can listen to our songs here.

Work Experiences

Academic Internship

02/2019 - 05/2019
University of Bologna
  • Development and test of a multi-agent simulation engine
  • Employment of the engine to simulate biochemical experiments

Professional Stage

06/2015 - 07/2015
Loccioni Group, Angeli di Rosora (AN)
  • Development of a web application with AngularJS

Open Source Projects

Moving Targets - A Library for Constrained Machine Learning based on Bi-level Decomposition
Another Genetic Circuit Transcriber - A Domain-Specific Language for the Definition of Gene Regulatory Networks
Interactive Benchmark Library - A Library to define and use Common Benchmarks for Sequential Decision-Making and other Computational Tasks.
Causalgen - A Causal-based Utility for Data Generation
Powerplantsim - A Graph-based Simulator for Power Plants
Epidemic Model Learning - An Analysis of Covid Data using Machine Learning and Mathematical Programming
Deep Comedy - A Transformer-based Neural Architecture aimed at reproducing the Style of the Divine Comedy
Gangster SQuAD - A NLP system for Question Answering Tasks
IoTrace - Prototype of a Contact Tracing app built with IOTA
Paku Paku - A One-Vs-One Pacman developed in C++ using OpenGL Primitives
Snailysis - A Level-based Platform Fame with a Weird Focus on Calculus
AlmaFood - Prototype of a JustEat clone for the new Alma Mater University Campus of Cesena


  • Generalized Disparate Impact for Configurable Fairness Solutions in ML
  • L. Giuliani, E. Misino, M. Lombardi
    ICML, 2023
  • Towards Symbiotic Creativity: A Methodological Approach to Compare Human and AI Robotic Dance Creations
  • A. De Filippo, L. Giuliani, E. Mancini, A. Borghesi, P. Mello, M. Milano
    IJCAI, 2023
  • MusiComb: a Sample-based Approach to Music Generation Through Constraints
  • L. Giuliani, F. Ballerini, A. De Filippo, A. Borghesi
    ICTAI, 2023
  • Towards Intelligent Music Production: A Sample-based Approach
  • L. Giuliani, A. De Filippo, A. Borghesi
    CREAI @ AIxIA, 2023
  • A Multi-modal Perspective for the Artistic Evaluation of Robotic Dance Performances
  • L. Giuliani, A. De Filippo, A. Borghesi, P. Mello, M. Milano
    CREAI @ AIxIA, 2022
  • A Geometric Framework for Fairness
  • A. Maggio, L. Giuliani, R. Calegari, M. Lombardi, M. Milano
    AEQUITAS @ ECAI, 2023

    Skills & Proficiency

    Machine Learning

    Logistics & Solvers

    Software Development

    Music Composition

    Music Production